P.O. Box 871463, Canton, MI 48187
Babysitting List
Our subdivision babysitter / pet sitter list is maintained by Mary Nader. (Thank you, Mary!) If you or someone in your family would like to be on our list, please send an e-mail to Mary at babysitting@PheasantView.org with your name, address, contact information and age (or “adult). The list will only be provided by request to residents of our subdivision. When requesting it, please include your name and address in your e-mail so that it can be verified against the subdivision records.
Stay in the Loop for Important Information for our Residents!
We have three key ways to stay in touch with our community. One is this web site which contains important documents, meeting minutes, financials and more. For critical information, we request that you subscribe to our subdivision e-mail list. You can subscribe or update your information using the form below. We also have a residents-only Facebook page which is a great way to keep up on news, information and activities in the community. You can get to our page directly by using the Facebook icon below.